How to prepare for your very first music festival

We have had some fantastic music festivals so far this year and even though summer is over there are still some to look forward to. So, if you are looking forward to your first music festival here is how you can prepare yourself.

How to prepare for your very first music festival

By being prepared we don’t just mean what to take with you but also how to prepare your mind and body. Yes, it’s going to be a very enjoyable but also taxing few days. And you really need to know how to survive… we aren’t joking.

Let us start with the body


You must build up your immune system before you go.
Make sure you have been eating healthily, getting enough sleep and getting those vitamins inside you. Vitamin C, Echinacea or those immune supplement tablets would be great. Although nothing is better than fresh fruit and vegetables.


If you are usually a couch potato and just watch music videos on YouTube, you are going to struggle, festivals need a serious amount of stamina, so you really need to prepare your body with an exercise regime weeks, even months before you go.


Festivals are very hectic places, with lots of people, lots of noise, bustling and hassling. No home comforts, stinky toilets with long queues. But, remember it’s going to be great fun.  Honestly it is!   Its just a few days where we might not have the comfort we are usually used to.  Some people do find that meditating helps, get used to doing this before you go. Or just prepare your mind.

How to prepare for your very first music festival

Now your festival equipment

Right, we all know you need a tent, which tent is up to you – we have some reviews coming up that might help you decide. However, festival goers usually tend to go for the cheapest lightest tent you can buy. Pop up tents are great for a festival although maybe a bit more expensive.

So, we’ve got the tent, that’s it?

No…not even close, get your wallet or purse back out.

Top tip – Invest in some earplugs; this will help you get a little amount of sleep, through all the snoring and shouting, and noise throughout the night, to prepare you for the next day. Little or no sleep will hinder your enjoyment of the rest of the festival

Here are a few things that might you might not thing about taking with you, of course it’s not a comprehensive list…

Dry Shampoo – what a brilliant invention – a must for the longer haired festival goer
Wet wipes – these are a must if you don’t want to stink like a Docker for three days.
Back up phone – it’s a great idea to get a cheap back up phone and leave your good one at home. So many people lose their phones at festivals, same goes for a cheap camera too.
Bum bag – waist bag – money belts – whatever you like to call it, these are great for keeping your personal items in and safe and it’s what the cool kids use.
Water Bottles – it’s very important to stay hydrated at all times, and especially so at a concert or festival.
A mac and some sun cream – you never can tell which you will need, probably both!
Plastic bags – these are multi use at festivals:

  • Tie them over your shoes or boots to make waterproof shoes
  • Give them to your friend to throw up in
  • Sit on them
  • Keep things dry in them
  • Put muddy wellies in them
  • and when it’s all over you can collect up your rubbish to take to the nearest bin.

Now you know how to prepare for your very first music festival – do let us know how you got on, or if anyone has any other tips or tricks please let us know.

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