Get free music festival tickets by volunteering

Many people don’t know that you can actually get free music festival tickets by volunteering to help out.

There are a few charities where you can volunteer to give your time do your bit for humanity helping the charity out and in return,  you gain entry to the festival for free and in most cases you don’t even need experience.

As you may know, music festivals take a great deal of work to put together and a great deal of staff, and because its pretty hard to turn a profit with festivals organisers often call on volunteers to help out and you get free tickets, staff benefits or other discounts.

It’s a fantastic way to become part of the music community, learn how festivals are put together, meet new people, learn new skills and get time off to watch your favorite bands or DJ’s live.

Where can you get free music festival tickets by volunteering?


Oxfam always have a number of positions they are looking to cover

  • Stewards
  • Campaigners
  • Festival shop volunteers

Looks like they are finished with festivals for this year but you can register your interest for 2018

It’s good to apply now for next year, as you will A be first on this list or you might need to get in some hours in before festival season anyway.

 free music festival tickets by volunteering

My Cause UK

My Cause UK offer festival volunteering to raise money for charities.

Applications for each festival will close when the volunteering places at that festival are full. Applications work on a first come, first served basis.

Also look for volunteers each year to help with


  • Stages
  • Carparks
  • Staffing gates
  • Checking tickets
  • Wrist Banding
  • Bar staff
  • Programme sales

To volunteer with My Cause, you will need to pay a deposit to act as a guarantee against your ticket; this will be returned to you following the completion of your work, less a small admin fee.  You do get fantastic perk though, like separate camping areas, showers, phone charging and free hot drinks!

Also in exchange for your volunteering, My Cause UK will make a cash donation to any charity you choose.

Visit My Cause Uk

 free music festival tickets by volunteering

Festival Medical Services

FMS is a ‘not for profit’ registered medical charity delivering high-quality event medical services at some of the UK’s largest festivals and gatherings.

These volunteers are medical professions and support services through the NHS – some of which services include

  • A&E departments (with x-ray & ultrasound)
  • Minor Injuries Units, & Walk-in Centres
  • Medical teams for stages,
  • Control & Communications
  • AWD Ambulance Services,
  • First Responders, & First Aiders
  • Event Consultancy and much more.
  • Regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) for Ambulance & Imaging Activities
  • A regulated training organisation accredited by QualSafe Awards.

Also check out individual festival websites, as they will often be asking for volunteers

Such as sites like SXSW who are currently updating their website for 2018 so keep an eye on that so you can be one of the first to volunteer.

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